Docket Tracking System

  - City Council, City of Newton, MA

Docket Info

Primary Docketer Co-Docketer Notified Staff Docket Number Docket Title Docket Text Public Hearing Hearing Vote Date
Joshua Krintzman Martha Bixby, David Kalis, Susan albright, Andreae Downs, Rick Lipof, Stephen Farrell #26-25 Discussion and possible ordinance amendment to remove the minimum parking requirement from the multi residence transit (MRT) zone COUNCILORS KRINTZMAN, BIXBY, KALIS, ALBRIGHT, DOWNS, LIPOF, AND FARRELL requesting discussion and possible ordinance amendment to remove the minimum parking requirement in the MRT zone adopted as part of the Village Center Overlay District work. The discussion should include an analysis of the benefits and detriments of the minimum parking requirement, including compliance with state guidance.

Public Hearing Vote: [ Yes-No-Absent-Recused-Not Voting ]

Committee Meeting(s)

Committee Meeting Date Present Meeting Motion Meeting Action Vote* Amended Motion Reconsideration Reconsideration Vote* Meeting Agenda Meeting Report
Vote: [ Yes - No - Abstain - Absent - Recused - Not Voting]  Reconsideration Vote: [ Passed - Hold ]

Whole City Council Meeting

Council Motion Council Action Council Order Council Vote* Reconsideration Reconsideration Vote* Council Note
City Council Vote order: [ Yes - No - Absent - Recused ]  Reconsideration Vote: [ Passed - Hold ]